Sunday, November 2, 2008

Landmark '08 - Bangalore Edition

Hi !

Last year, eleventh hour antics ensured that we were in the Chowdiah Memorial Hall with seats to boot. This year though, owing to an impulse of mine I can't quite slot now, the hours leading up to the event were laden with ennui. As is customary with us, we hadn't thought of a team name beforehand. After considerable deliberation, we came up with 'We don't believe in Bengalooru (Bangalore sounds better)' and it seemed like the three of us were finally happy with a team name after ages. From there, it was roses all the way, to borrow a cliché.

To begin with, Naveen Jayakumar was the quizmaster for the evening and that in itself augured well for the quiz. It also gave me something to look forward to for I hadn't been to his quiz before. He didn't disappoint and hit all the right notes, to the delight of a rapturous audience. He also managed the quizmaster's boomerang, where a question passes all and sundry (including the collective might of the audience) and the answer is revealed by the quizmaster quite palpably gung-ho.

As events unfurled, 'We are like this only' won it by the meagre margin of 3 points. The unfortunate team in question was 'Obama Satyabhama' whose rare blunder on a buzzer that pulled them back by 5 might have made the difference. QED, whose presence on stage nearly everyone present takes for granted, weren't far behind either tailing OS by 2 points. 'We ...' and 'OS' get to participate in the Grand Finals at Chennai on the 15h of August next year.

There was a round involving 20 visuals connected by one word. The degree of connection would get more direct and simpler as the visuals progressed from the 1st to the 20th. Points were allotted based on the number of visuals remaining when the connection was worked out by a particular team. Can't remember the order of the visuals and there are about 16 of them here.
