Sunday, April 26, 2009

Answers : Quiz 13 - Sculptures

1. Piccadilly Circus, London
It's a statue of Anteros, the Greek God of requited love and its presence was meant to symbolize the selfless philanthropic love of the Earl of Shaftesbury for the poor. It's often mistaken for Eros.

2. Shoah / Holocaust
Located at the foot of Mount Herzl on the mount of remembrance in Jerusalem, Yad Vashem Memorial is Israel's official memorial to the Jewish victims of the Holocaust. The origin of the name is from a Biblical verse: "And to them will I give in my house and within my walls a memorial and a name (Yad Vashem) that shall not be cut off."

3. The Thinker by Auguste Rodin
Placed in the Musée Rodin in Paris, this sculpture was originally meant to depict Dante in front of the gates of Hell. It has since come to represent the intellectual in repose.

4. Nike, the Greek Goddess of Strength, Speed and Victory

5. Pietà
Michelangelo's work found in St. Peter's Basilica, Rome is also the only one signed by him. It represents the Virgin Mary cradling a dead Jesus. Any representation of this (in any art form) is referred to as Pietà.

6. Karl Marx and Matthew Engels
Found in Szoborpark aka Statue Park in Budapest.

7. Reclining Figure by Henry Moore